We Do Recover
“When at the end of the road we find that we can no longer function as a human being, either with or without drugs, we all face the same dilemma. What is there left to do? There seems to be this alternative: either go on as best we can to the bitter ends—jails, institutions or death—or find a new way to live. In years gone by, very few addicts ever had this last choice.
Those who are addicted today are more fortunate. For the first time in man’s entire history, a simple way has been proving itself in the lives of many addicts. It is available to us all. This is a simple spiritual—not religious—program, known as Narcotics Anonymous.”
(Narcotics Anonymous World Services)
Please visit our Meetings page for our up-to-date schedule.
OASC of na bi-monthly area meeting Minutes
June 14, 2024, OASC Area Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2024, OASC Area Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2024, OASC Area Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2023, OASC Area Meeting Minutes
kentuckiana Region of NA
July 2024, KRSCNA Meeting Minutes
May 2024, KRSCNA Meeting Minutes
March 2024, KRSCNA Meeting Minutes
January 2024, KRSCNA Meeting Minutes
oasc p&p manual and documents
OASC of NA Policies & Procedures Manual, January 2023 (updated)
- NA Service Resume’
- OASC Motion Form
- OASC Letter of Concern
- OASC Form Letter (example)